
Sunday, November 18, 2012

The communication process

There is a great need to understand the communication process as it is the key part of promotion. Successful marketing communications depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the message, the audience interpretation of it & the environment in which it is received. Feedback from the receiver helps the sender determine whether proper decoding has occurred or whether noise has interfered with the communication process. A model for communication process is represented below

 For promotion planning, the main thing to be analysed is the target audience. The receiver can be analysed with respect to its composition( individual, group, mass audiences) & the response process it goes through. The following figure lists some of the traditional response models.

Recently some other response models has been suggested which has been a mixture of traditional models and some other inferences. Two of them are alternative response hierarchies & FCB planning model which are depicted below

This model integrates concepts from both high & low involvement response hierarchy perspectives & recognizes the effect of direct experiences with the product.
Similarly the cognitive approach examines the thoughts evoked by a message & how they shape the receiver’s ultimate acceptance or rejection of the communication. The elaboration likelihood model of attitude formation & change recognizes two forms of message processing, the central & peripheral routes to persuasion which are a function of receiver’s motivation & ability to process a message. It is depicted schematically in the following figure

We see that those responsible for IMC program should thus learn as much as possible about their target audience & how it may respond to advertising & other forms of marketing communications.

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